Definition Expression: N/A Copyright Text: This data can be used for any purpose once it has been purchased, except it cannot be copied and redistributed without written permission from the City of Ashland, Oregon. Also the ArcGIS Pzthon console show syntax suggestion and a help section to. Working with Cross Sections in ArcGIS by Susan Smith CrossView Earth Surfaces for ArcGIS from A-Prime Software, is a new cartographic tool for. I discuss techniques for creating and editing. View In: Portal for ArcGIS Map Name: Cross Section points Display Field: Dam_Name Type: Feature Layer Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint Description: This shapefile is a set of polylines to mark cross sections of the Hosler Dam failure inundation path to determine the rate and volume of flooding that could occur in a dam failure scenerio. SAGA GIS is a simple but powerful tool, with a big library focused on. Arcgis Cross Section Cross Section Math Workshop, focuses on the functionality of Esri's ArcScene for 3D mapping.